3.1 Requirement inspections.
3.1.1 First article. When specified (see 6.3), a sample shall be subjected to first article
inspection in accordance with 4.2.
3.1.2 Conformance inspection. A sample shall be subjected to conformance inspection in
accordance with 4.3.
3.2 Appearance. Normal lead styphnate shall be free of visible impurities or foreign
3.3 Crystal form. Normal lead styphnate shall be crystalline. The longest dimension of
any crystal shall not be greater than three times the next longest axis. Hexagonal plates shall be
3.4 Crystal dimension. Unless otherwise specified, the largest dimension of any normal
lead styphnate crystal or aggregate of crystals shall not be greater than 0.5 mm.
3.5 Chemical and physical characteristics. The chemical and physical characteristics of
normal lead styphnate shall conform to the requirements given in TABLE I.
TABLE I. Chemical and physical characteristics.
100% through U.S.
standard # 100 sieve
Granulation (alternate method),
99% smaller than 176.0 microns
100% smaller than 250.0 microns
Apparent density, gm/cc
1.30 to 1.60
Acidity, pH
5.0 to 6.6
Material insoluble in ammonium
acetate, max Percent
Material soluble in ether, max percent
Lead, percent
43.2 to 44.3
Nitrogen, percent
8.87 to 9.07
Instantaneous flash point (Differential
270 to 290
Scanning Calorimeter, DSC), °C
3.6 Lot numbering. Each lot of lead styphnate shall be identified by a lot number. Lot
numbering identification shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1168.
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