Percent, stearic acid = 100 (X-Y)
X = initial weight of crucible and contents
Y = final weight of crucible and contents
W = weight of specimen on a moisture free basis
RDX content may be determined by subtracting the % stearic
acid from 100:
% RDX = 100 - % stearic acid RDX content. Place the residue from the
determination of stearic acid in a 200 ml beaker and add 100
ml of acetone. Cover the beaker with a watch glass and heat
the beaker and contents on a steam bath until the material
is dissolved. Filter the contents of the beaker through a
tared medium filtering crucible. The crucible shall have
been previously prepared by washing with acetone, igniting
and weighing. Care shall be taken to transfer all insoluble
matter into the crucible. Wash the residue 3 times with 30
ml portions of acetone. Dry the crucible for 30 minutes in
an oven at 105oC + 5oC, cool in a desiccator and weigh.
Calculate the percent of RDX as follows:
Percent, RDX = 100 (Y-Z)
Y = Final weight of crucible and contents from the
determinations of stearic acid
Z = Final weight of crucible and contents
W = Weight of original sample on a moisture-free basis
4.6.2 Insoluble particles. The insoluble particles
shall be determined in accordance with MIL-STD-650, Method
106.1 with acetone as the solvent. The material previously
obtained in may be used for this determination.
4.6.3 Moisture content. The moisture content shall be
determined in accordance with Method 101.4 of MIL-STD-650,
with methanol as the special solvent. Use a five gram
sample for this determination.
4.6.4 Solvent content. The solvent content of
Composition A-5 shall be determined with a gas chromatograph
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