6.9 International standardization agreement. Certain
provisions of this specification, are the subject of
international standardization agreement STANAG No. 4022 and ABC-
Army-STD-115. When amendment, revision or cancellation of the
specification is proposed, the departmental custodians will
inform their respective Departmental Standardization Offices so
that appropriate action may be taken respecting the international
agreement concerned.
Virgin RDX and recycled RDX.
6.10.1 Virgin RDX. Feedstock to recrystallizer is composed
solely of slurried RDX coming directly from the RDX synthesis
6.10.2 Recycled RDX. Feedstock to recrystallizer is
composed of slurried RDX recovered from (1) the HMX or RDX acid
removal process and (2) the acetic acid recovery process.
6.11 High purity HMX (beta), RDX calibration standards.
High purity HMX (beta) and RDX calibration standards can be
obtained from the following addressees:
a. Commander, Holston Army Ammunition Plant, 4509 West
Stone Dr., Kingsport, TN 37660-9982.
b. Commander, ARDEC, ATTN:
AMSTA-AR-AEE-W, Picatinny
Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.
c. Naval Explosive Ordnance, Technology Division, Bldg.
2172, ATTN: Mr. Lou Wasserzug (Code 50A24), 2008 Stampneck Rd.,
Indian Head, MD 20640.
6.12 Technical agency. Picatinny Arsenal is the technical
agency that is responsible for the preparation and revision of
the specification. All correspondence to the Technical Agency
should be submitted through the contracting officer to:
Commander, ARDEC, ATTN: AMSTA-AR-QAT-P, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ
6.13 Approval of equivalent test methods. Prior approval of
the Contracting Officer is required for use of equivalent test
methods. A description of the proposed method should be
submitted through the Contracting Officer to: Commander, ARDEC,
ATTN: AMSTA-AR-QAT-P, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000. This
description should include but not be limited to the procedures
used, the accuracy and precision of the method, test data to
demonstrate the accuracy and precision and drawings of any
special equipment required.
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